We are currently seamless integrated with:
Trimble Viewpoint Spectrum
If you have a different construction accounting system, we may be interested in developing an interface to your system.

Connected Directly to Your Construction Software
Zero data management.
The system connects directly to your construction software and imports the projects and phase or cost codes, along with the current estimate and JTD hours. No muss, no fuss. No importing spreadsheets or CSV files.
Payroll posted? One click to import the week’s data. As soon as the system has finished the import process, it sends an email to all users to let them know their data has been refreshed.
Export Forecasts
Ready for your monthly job projections?
Export your foreman’s forecast and push it directly into your construction accounting system so you can forecast the entire job.
Export data for a single job, or all the jobs for one project manager, or all the jobs. One click creates a transfer formatted exactly to your accounting system requirements.